Today opening an offshore company is a common way to ease tax burden and avoid extra expenses, while focusing on the primary business targets instead. The UAE is one of the most popular countries for opening an offshore company, as it an ideal environment to attract foreign investments and encourage non-residents to open bank accounts.
Main reasons to open an offshore company in the UAE
The UAE has a well-developed economy, advanced banking system and infrastructure and stable political environment, which is already enough to do business without any troubles. The main reasons you want to register an offshore company in the UAE are:
- zero or low taxes, depending on company type: non-residents are exempt from income, welfare and capital taxes, as well as import, excise duties and sales tax;
- full confidentiality: beneficial company owners are guaranteed complete anonymity, their details are not published in public registers, as the UAE not being a member of OECD did not sign any information exchange agreements with other countries;
- great opportunities to conduct international activities: an offshore company registered in the UAE can engage in international trade, invest, provide logistics services and do other kinds of business in different countries tax-free, as the UAE has double taxation treaties with most countries;
- ease of doing business thanks to a lack of tax reporting and audit checks, which helps to substantially cut expenses on the corresponding department and avoid time-wasting;
- the UAE is a white-list offshore with clean records, as, unlike some other offshore havens, it is not included in FATF’s black lists.
To open an offshore company in the UAE, one must have a good understanding of the country’s legislation. Experts of S.H Business Adviser will help you with this task in a short time, saving your time, money and efforts.