Features and advantages of obtaining a residence permit in the UAE through real estate
The procedure for obtaining a residence permit in the UAE by applying for a resident visa through real estate is not particularly complicated but has a number of features that you need to know if you are interested in the status of a resident of the United Arab Emirates. The main ones include:
- the cost of real estate to obtain the right to obtain a resident visa is at least 1 million dirhams per person or family. This means that a husband and wife can obtain a residence permit by buying a house or apartment for 1 million AED, and if they are not related by family ties, they will have to buy one object worth more than 2 million dirhams or two objects costing at least 1 million each;
- the property must be residential only (villas or apartments). Purchasing a commercial property does not give the right to obtain a residence permit, but since 2019, buyers of luxury office real estate can also apply for a resident visa;
- the residential property must have the status of completed construction and be located only in certain areas of the emirate of Dubai, called free hold;
- the age of the buyer applying for a residence permit must not exceed 60 years. Otherwise, special approval will be required with permission to obtain a resident visa.
Please note that a UAE resident visa through real estate is issued for 2 years, after which you will need to go through an extension procedure, which can be done an unlimited number of times.
The attractiveness of obtaining a residence permit in the UAE through the purchase of real estate is due to the following advantages of such a solution:
- getting your own housing in the Emirates, which is beneficial if you often vacation in this country or visit it for business;
- the ability to rent out the purchased property;
- profitability of long-term real estate investments.

How to get a UAE resident visa through real estate
Despite the fact that obtaining a residence permit in the UAE through the purchase of expensive real estate is a simple procedure, it will require:
- significant investment of time and effort in preparing and translating all necessary documents;
- sufficiently long residence in the UAE to submit documents to the relevant authorities;
- knowledge of the procedure for obtaining a visa, the list of necessary documents and the authorities to which they must be submitted, mandatory payments, and many other nuances.
In addition, unforeseen circumstances may arise that can delay the process and require additional financial costs.
Dynasty Business Adviser will save you from unnecessary hassle and help you obtain a resident visa to the UAE through real estate in the shortest possible time and at the best cost. You will only have to visit Dubai once to sign the necessary documents. Call us, and our specialists will help you obtain UAE resident status!