Citizenship of the Caribbean Islands

Pauline Familara
Pauline Familara
21 February 2024
Citizenship of the Caribbean Islands

Caribbean citizenship unites passport holders from Grenada and Dominica, Saint Lucia, Antigua and Barbuda, Saint Kitts and Nevis — tiny island states, former British colonies. They share similar climates, political systems, and an extensive list of privileges for non-residents who obtain citizenship of Caribbean countries through investment.

The combination of white and black sandy beaches, lush vegetation, and unique culture evokes the term “citizenship of the Caribbean basin.” Half a century ago, all island states were overseas territories of the British Empire. Now, rapidly developing independent states are members of the Commonwealth under the auspices of Great Britain.

These countries operate under British law, with English as the official language. Representatives of the monarchy on the islands are governors-general appointed by London. Peaceful islanders warmly welcome non-residents who obtain a passport for the Caribbean islands for money.

We will tell you how to obtain citizenship of the Caribbean islands. You will learn:

  • What to consider when buying Caribbean citizenship.
  • How to choose the proper jurisdiction based on preferences and financial status.
  • Who to contact to obtain citizenship of the Caribbean islands quickly.

This article is for informational purposes. For specific decisions, contact the Dynasty Business Adviser company.

Advantages of Caribbean Citizenship

Citizenship of the Caribbean Islands, image 1

The second passport of the Caribbean islands is a dream for people from various parts of the world. Thousands of foreigners who have obtained citizenship in Caribbean countries have felt its benefits. In 2021, over 40,000 people became holders of second passports from island states. Thanks to the rights conferred by the citizenship of the Caribbean basin, its popularity is growing.

IMPORTANT: In 2024, Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus residents cannot obtain citizenship of the Caribbean islands through investment.

Freedom of Movement Worldwide

Holders of passports from the countries of the Antillean archipelago can travel freely worldwide, including within the Schengen area. The removal of restrictions on visiting many exciting places on the planet becomes a significant argument for many applicants for citizenship of the Caribbean islands through investment.

Dominica residency opens the door to 143 countries for travelers, while Saint Kitts and Nevis provide access to 157 countries. Legal residents of island states can spend up to 180 days a year in the United Kingdom. They benefit from university privileges in London and other British cities thanks to resident status.

Obtaining Caribbean citizenship opens up opportunities for obtaining US visas. Residents of Antigua and Barbuda, Saint Kitts and Nevis, and Saint Lucia can obtain 10-year B-1 and B-2 visas, while residents of other islands can obtain 5-year permits. A Grenadian passport simplifies obtaining a 5-year E-2 business visa with the freedom to enter and exit the United States. It also allows visa-free entry for 30 days to China and Singapore.

Who Would Benefit from Caribbean Citizenship?

The available “Citizenship by Investment” programs have made the Caribbean one of the most attractive regions for applicants seeking second passports. It suits those who want to:

  • Engage in business in a dynamically developing economic environment.
  • Relocate to the Caribbean islands permanently.
  • Enjoy tax benefits on income from sources outside the islands.
  • Live in the tropics, enjoying the warm sea and sun year-round.
  • Have a refuge for themselves and their loved ones in case of military and social conflicts in their homeland.

To assess the benefits of Caribbean citizenship, read the reviews of satisfied clients of our company.

About Taxes

It cannot be claimed that Caribbean citizenship transfers entrepreneurs to a tax-free environment. There is a transparent taxation system on income derived by residents from local sources. However, there are no taxes on inheritance and capital gains. Dominica is closest to a tax haven, as it only imposes taxes on individuals’ income.

About Residency for Families

The Caribbean offers citizenship to single non-residents, couples, and families through investment. Investment contributions depend on the size of the family and the age of those whom the foreigner includes in the passport application (see table).

Degree of RelationshipGrenadaDominicaSaint LuciaAntigua and BarbudaSaint Kitts and Nevis
Husband, wife+++++
Parents, Grandparentswithout age restrictions55+65+55+55+
Brothers, sistersunmarried individuals aged 18 and above25-18-unmarried individuals30-

All individuals listed in the application are considered dependents of the principal investor, meaning they financially support them. Do you want to obtain citizenship of Caribbean countries for your entire family? You must confirm the availability of income or savings, guaranteeing a specific monthly amount for all dependents.

What Does Obtaining Caribbean Citizenship Address and Offer?

Citizenship of the Caribbean Islands, image 2

What are the benefits of the Caribbean islands? Citizenship of these tiny states opens up enormous opportunities for individuals ready for positive life changes.

We have mentioned the main advantages:

  • Travel without bureaucratic hurdles and unnecessary visa expenses.
  • The whole family can travel to tropical islands anytime for vacation or to wait out troubles (wars, epidemics, social upheavals) in their home country.
  • Tax privileges.
  • Registering your own business in rapidly developing sectors of the island economy (tourism, hospitality, agriculture, real estate).

A resident who has purchased a house can settle on a paradise island or rent out the property. Using the great opportunities of Caribbean island residency after obtaining a passport through investment is pleasant.

All countries in the region allow dual citizenship. Those wishing to buy citizenship of the Caribbean islands can be assured that this information will remain confidential.

Investment Options

Caribbean citizenship through investment is obtained through participation in charitable donations and financing of social projects. More expensive options include real estate purchase or entrepreneurship.

The minimum amounts that applicants for residency must have vary in island jurisdictions:

  • Antigua 257 000 $ (included company fees).
  • Grenada 262 000 $ (included company fees).
  • St Kits Nevis 277 000$ (included company fees).
  • Saint Lucia 267 000$ (included company fees).

Investors can choose how to spend their capital:

  • Donate funds to state funds for island economy development.
  • Replenish the University of the West Indies Fund in Antigua and Barbuda.
  • Support social projects for social infrastructure development.
  • Purchase commercial or residential real estate with the opportunity to sell it after 3, 5, or 7 years without losing resident status.
  • Engage in business in Saint Lucia.

There are many options to choose from.

Citizenship by Investment

The amount of investment in real estate, which is purchased for the sake of a passport, is determined independently by each country. A non-resident can buy a standalone house for living or rental purposes and a share in a hotel or spa complex under construction. Choosing the right option is not easy, and it is also limited to government-approved projects. Coordinate your purchase with the company’s lawyers to avoid mistakes.

The governments of island states do not work directly with passport applicants. Each applicant for citizenship of the Caribbean islands through investment is accompanied by a licensed legal company trusted by the government to handle non-residents from the first consultation to the passport issuance for them and their family members. Professional support speeds up the naturalization process.

Economic citizenship of the Caribbean islands can be obtained remotely. Antigua and Barbuda legislation requires the new resident to fly to the country within the first five years of obtaining residency. They must stay on the islands for at least 5 days. There is no such requirement in other countries. The passport does not require living on the islands if it is not part of the resident’s plans.


Unlike purchasing citizenship, naturalization requires long-term and continuous residence in island states. This is necessary for the cultural adaptation of the applicant. They must meet the following requirements:

  • Possess a residence permit.
  • Reside continuously in the country for the period prescribed by law.
  • Work for a certain period in government institutions.
  • Have proficiency in the English language.

The last two conditions apply in Grenada, Saint Lucia, and Dominica. After verifying the legality of income and confirming the absence of a criminal record, the applicant obtains the right to apply for citizenship.

By Birth

Above, we detailed what citizenship of Caribbean islands offers.

It can be acquired by birth in the following cases:

  • The only thing that matters is being born within the country’s borders, regardless of your parents’ citizenship status.
  • Citizenship is granted to adopted children if one or both parents are citizens.

For example, a baby born in Grenada automatically acquires its citizenship. An exception is made for fathers and mothers with diplomatic immunity or holding passports of countries with which Grenada is at war.

Family Connections

Documented family connections are grounds for naturalization. Residency can be obtained in the following cases: if the Caribbean passport:

  • One or both parents could have owned a Caribbean passport. A Caribbean passport could have belonged to one or both parents.
  • A grandparent could have owned a Caribbean passport (this applies in Antigua and Barbuda, Saint Kitts and Nevis).
  • One of the spouses could have owned a Caribbean passport, no matter how it was obtained.

In Antigua and Barbuda, the time spent in marriage must exceed three years.

Citizenship of the Countries of the British Commonwealth

A passport holder of any Commonwealth country, consisting of the United Kingdom and its former dominions, has the right to apply for citizenship to the leadership of any archipelago country. To do this, they must legally reside in the chosen jurisdiction for a period prescribed by law for naturalization. This period is 5, 7, and 14 years in different jurisdictions.

Procedure for Obtaining Caribbean Citizenship

Citizenship of the Caribbean Islands, image 3

The applicant does not have the opportunity to apply to the immigration service. The state has delegated the consideration of applications for investment citizenship to licensed legal companies. They oversee compliance with mandatory procedures, organize the verification of submitted documents, and ensure the reliability of all applicants over 12 or 16 years old.

Stages of interaction between the lawyer and the client:

  • Contacting a legal company licensed by the state.
  • Verification of the applicant’s passport.
  • Collection, translation, apostille, and submission of documents.
  • Consideration of the application by the authorities.
  • Approval of the application.
  • Execution of a financial transaction — transfer of the investment payment to the recipient.
  • Issuance of a certificate and passport.

Now you know how to obtain a Caribbean passport. We look forward to welcoming you to Dynasty Business Adviser.

Timeframe for Obtaining Caribbean Citizenship

On average, acquiring residency status through investment takes 3-4 months. In rare cases, the procedure may extend up to 6 months. This is the fastest and most advantageous way to gain a second home country. It suits those who have initial capital.

How to Obtain Caribbean Citizenship Through Investment? Which country to choose? Which program to join?

Discuss this with a specialist from our company. They will help you:

  • Assess your financial capabilities and prepare the necessary documents.
  • Choose the optimal investment direction considering all overhead costs and family size.
  • Fulfill the conditions for acquiring citizenship.

Guidance from experienced lawyers reduces the risk of negative decisions by authorities to zero.

Expenses for Investors

In addition to the main investment payment, government fees, document verification, and reliability checks for all family members must be paid. Preparation of investment certificates and passports also incurs costs. Be prepared for additional payments to increase expenses by about 50%, and this is without paying for legal services.

Do you want to become a citizen of one of the countries in the Caribbean basin? Apply to the Dynasty Business Adviser website or call us.

  • "About the Citizenship by Investment Unit". Dominica. Dominica CBIU.

  • "Grenada - The World Factbook". The World Factbook. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).

  • 'Saint Lucia's tourism industry way behind required pace' – Fedee | Loop St. Lucia". Loop News

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